Investigative reporter Dr. Jerome Corsi has surpassed himself in possibly one of the most important books in American history, Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President. Despite the assertions that the Obama administration would be one of the most open, Obama has spent millions hiding his history. One question any reasonable person would ask is, "why?"
Corsi through three years of exhaustive research has answered that question with this well written treatise on American history, the meaning of some articles of the Constitution, discovering true facts about Barack Obama and punching a fatal blow to any delusions that Obama is eligible to be president.
This New York Times bestseller book is not only well written, it is all so very easy to read and to understand. Even most of the, "birther!" shouting liberals should be able to grasp the subject matter, if they try real hard. Since the birth certificate Obama personally released has been demonstrated to be a forgery by numerous methods, Obama can no longer claim to have proof that he was actually born in Hawaii, which would make his claim that because he was born in Hawaii he is eligible to be president, a very questionable one. Of course, on top of that blow to Obama's eligibility hopes, Obama is ineligible to hold the office of the United States presidency because he is not a natural-born citizen under the definition that Emerich Vattel wrote about in his 1758 book Law of Nations. This book was actually used by the Founding Fathers as they drew up the Constitution. Vattel stated, "The citizens are members of the civil society, bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority; they equally participate in its advantages. The natives or natural-born citizens are those born in the country of parents who are citizens." Boom! Slam-dunk.
The book doesn't end, there it details on how Obama is a liar and a cheat. He is most likely using a Social Security number that he acquired by fraud. Any Democrat who wants to be taken seriously should read this book and do some soul searching as to whether you really want this complete fraud representing you and your party.
Bottom line is that Obama himself has taken part in a felony over and over again, most recently when he provided a poorly produced forgery as his long form birth certificate.