Doctor Who: The Daemons wouldn't even be a good story if the sound and picture were pristine! However, the sound and picture aren't pristine and with the pretty lousy storyline and execution, the show really suffers. The color by the way was restored by taking it off a home video tape that recorded the show as it aired in the United States. The BBC in their idiocy wiped the original color shows, I guess, and using a lot of technology they put the color back onto a black and white PAL tape. It looks muddy and doesn't fit the picture exactly. American television had something like 525 lines and British television had 625 so right there you can guess that the quality would suffer.
The characters of the village are unbearably awful! The witch with her protruding teeth, who I guess is supposed to be humorous with her amorous advances towards Benton, is just disgusting. I don't find witches good or humorous, either in fiction or reality. Then, there is the bad acting by many of the other townspeople as well.
The incessant dancing around the May Pole is just sickening. I believe Barry Letts was responsible for this ham-fisted show and I have no idea why so many of the actors acted like this was such a wonderful program. Maybe their drinking escapades in the local pub were fun, but the show is rotten. If you've never seen it, be weary of all the positive reviews, it might just have to do with the demonic subject matter rather than the quality of the programming.