The Transporter: The Series is an excellent television show. I discovered it rather late, and have just found out that the series ended after two seasons. This is a shame Chris Vance does a great job portraying Frank the Transporter, in some ways I ended up liking his portrayal even more than Statham's because Vance's Frank is a more well rounded human being.
The character of Deiter is a fun one, he fixes Frank's cars and adds all sorts of extras on them. And of course, Frank's police officer friend, the same actor from the movies is in many of the shows. This is another plus as I always liked his character.
Each show is different with various reasons why Frank has to step on the gas. Some of the driving sequences and fight scenes surpass the movies. The shows producers could have left out the nudity however and some of the more perverse segments that seemed to have been added for no real reason. Although the series doesn't last long in terms of seasons, this is surely something that fans of the movies will want to have! It is much better than the lousy Refueled movie.